Software Development

The process of conceiving, specifying, designing, programming, documenting, testing, and bug fixing that goes into building and maintaining applications, frameworks, or other software components is known as software development.

Software Approach

Data-enabled operating models

An operating model describes how a company defines roles, responsibilities, business words, asset types, relationships, domain types, data management, and other things. This, in turn, influences how workflows and processes work; it affects how an organisation operates in relation to its data.

Decision making

Decision-making software is computer software that assists individuals and organisations in making choices, generally by ranking, prioritising, or selecting from a set of options.
Because the majority of DM software is based on decision analysis – usually multi-criteria decision-making – it’s frequently referred to as “decision analysis” or “multi-criteria decision-making” software.
Prima Metrics believes that data should be owned by the business, not IT, and therefore enables business owners to make Data Driven Decision Making (DDDM).

Balanced automation

The notion of balanced automation attempts to encapsulate the idea of an acceptable level of automation while taking into account contemporary issues for flexibility, quality improvement, and productivity, but also the socioeconomic environment as well as local customs and skills.
This also includes cancelling out repetitive processes. Anything a company can do to decrease or eliminate repetitive, time-consuming operations and optimise workflows will increase resource utilisation, crucial KPIs, and profit expansion.
An automation management system can assist you in identifying tasks that are ripe for IT services automation, such as mobile apps development and web application development, and in creating workflows that the system will execute automatically given the appropriate trigger.

Prima Metric Software
Development Technology Stack

Software development can result in the following end products

Web Applications

Web application development is the process of creating application programmes that are stored on remote servers and delivered to the user’s device via the internet. Online forms, shopping carts, word processors, spreadsheets, video and photo editing, file conversion, file scanning, and email programmes are examples of web apps.

Mobile Application

The techniques and procedures involved in building software for small, wireless computing devices such as smartphones and other hand-held devices are referred to as mobile application development. Like web application development, it stems from more traditional software development. One significant difference is that mobile apps are frequently designed particularly to take advantage of the unique features of a given mobile device.

Desktop Application

The process of making software for specific devices and operating systems is the same for both mobile and desktop app development. In this case, desktop development means making computer software. The desktop development field is dominated by three major operating systems: Windows, Linux, and macOS.


Microservices are a way to build and organise software that’s made up of small, independent services that talk to each other through APIs that are well-defined. These services are run by small teams that work on their own.


With cloud-based development, you don’t have to build and maintain your own physical infrastructure (like servers or data centres) or install development tools to make software. You can use third-party cloud vendors to get the technology services and computing power you need.

Machine Learning

Machine learning is the process of using algorithms to let computer programmes “learn” how to do different tasks by using the data they have. The more ML programmes train on relevant test data, the better they get at what they do.

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT software development is the process of building IoT infrastructure using both software and hardware solutions in a planned way. It takes data from sensors and makes sense of it so that it can be used in real-world applications with an easy-to-use user interface and a visual representation.

How our software development service solves your problems

Creating a software application is never an easy task. Developers may have to deal with many problems before they can finish what they set out to do, which is to make an app that will help the company and its employees grow.

Before starting a project, both developers and clients should remember these possible software development solutions:

Collecting enough requirements, making a realistic budget and schedule, testing enough, communicating well, and sticking to the initial requirements.

We aim to tick each of these solutions, which will in turn solve any data management issues and streamline the software development process:

Improve ERP for more efficiency

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is software that a company uses to run important parts of its business, like accounting and managing its resources.

Serve as a middleware

This is to allow your system to communicate with external systems. Middleware is a type of software that sits between an operating system and the programmes that run on it. It acts as a hidden translation layer that allows distributed applications to talk to each other and manage data.

Serve as an engagement platform

A customer engagement platform is a piece of software that helps businesses find, connect with, and serve customers across all channels of communication. Therefore, this is specifically for the customers or suppliers through web apps that connect to their ERP.

Consolidate data and provide data lake

Data lakes are a cost-effective way for organisations to store, process, analyse, and use large amounts of data in many different shapes and levels of structure. They work with data warehouses instead of replacing them. We then perform reporting on the above, which includes looking at the PA system, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

Our software development process



This step entails gathering requirements, understanding the problem, determining if we’re upgrading an existing business system or developing a new stand-alone piece of software, and being aware of the data inputs and desired outcome. We should have enough knowledge at the end of the planning phase to create a high-level scope of work – a plan that outlines what’s being created, why, and how we envision it coming together.



With the criteria in place, it’s time to begin designing how this software will look and work. We’re not talking about aesthetics here, but functionality and flow. Here we look at solution design, enterprise architecture, and breaking down the overall solution into sprints or bite-sized parts.



After everyone has agreed on the proposed functionality and design of the software, it’s time to construct it in accordance with the requirements and scope of work. We use an iterative development approach to deliver working software in portions that are integrated into the overall solution (sprints).



We’ll be testing, tracking, and fixing defects while we’re developing the software. But once all the features are finished and the product is deemed ready to go, we’ll test it again in a more thorough way. This could mean giving the product to a small group of beta testers or using UX tools to see how users interact with it. It’s done in sync with sprints and also as a whole when all sprints are finished and put together to make a complete solution.



Now that all the hard work (and coding) is done, it’s time to make the software available to all users. Putting the code into production is what we’re talking about here. This means working in a live environment and focusing a lot of attention on cut-over strategies, change management, and making sure the solution gives the business value.

This is summed up by the
three parts of our core values

This is summed up by the three parts of our core values

Enterprise-Wide Perspective

Holistic design which cultivates cross functional relationships that captures synergies and organizational coherence- incorporating and aligning all business units and segment goals


Handling data securely, using leading technology to ensure rapid decisions are made on the latest, most accurate information


All projects have tangible outcomes which are measured on a company’s bottom line. This is underpinned through rapid implementation and rapid productionlised solutions.